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Contactform7 e Really Simple Captcha

Gentile Iubenda, tra i plugin che raccolgono informazioni per il Captcha non esiste Really Simple Captcha per Contact Form 7. Siccome questi due pllugin sono usatissimi, potreste per favore includerli nella Vostra lista in modo che si possano usare? Grazie mille!

  • Salve Enrico, i nostri operatori italiani non ci sono, quindi ti rispondo in Inglese. Fammi sapere se non va bene per te. It looks like really simple captcha is just a plugin that runs off the same server as the contact form plugin, which is your WordPress server. If I am right, then there is no outside entity collecting data about your users with the captcha and you don't need to disclose it. What you need to tell the users is that you use a "contact form" and the data you collect via that contact form.
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