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Add Clef as an authentication option

Hi Mart, I'll take a look as soon as possible. Please understand that integrations like this sometimes end up deadpooled, when they're not we're taking a while to have the integration ready because it goes through a longer process. What you can do however, is, to add a custom service from the dashboard of your privacy policy and form it after the other services: > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service ( ) I will update this thread with more information as I have it. Hope this helps? Simon
  • Thanks! Added it as a custom service for now. Hopefully it becomes an official option some time soon :)
  • Great.
  • It would be nice to have policies for Clef under authentication section. Clef is in essence an identity provider like Google/Facebook/Twitter, but they allow logins using your phone as a proof of identity. More information here
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