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Please add support for Yandex Metrica

Hi again Raffael, Please add a link, use case and potentially link to developer docs? Thank you, Simon
  • Yandex Metrica is an Analytics tool, similar to Google Anayltics, but also with heat mapping and user videos ( ). We want to use Yandex for heatmapping.
  • Hi Raffael, Thanks. I will also add this plugin into our integration process. However the same rules apply as with the other integration request: you may be better off starting an integration by yourself until we are ready. For your convenience I'm adding the instructions in here again: > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service ( ) I will update this thread with more information as I have it. Hope this helps? Simon
  • Raffael, Yandex Metrica is ready. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • The powerful Analytics tool Yandex Metrica is not supported. Please add support for it.
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