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Please add Mad Mimi as an email service provider

Hi there, We know Mad Mimi. I'm adding this to our list of potential inclusions. As soon as we move forward on this I'll let you know here as well. Simon :)
  • Hi Simon, That's great news... as soon as you have that I'll be a paid up member!
  • Mad Mimi ( ) are a well established email service provider... from their website: "Mad Mimi is the easiest way to create, send, share and track email newsletters online. Mad Mimi is for people who want email marketing to be simple. Every day, over 40 million emails are sent, shared and tracked using our delightful and powerful service." It would be great to see them as part of your service.
  • Hi there, finally, Mad Mimi is available from the dashboard/the services list. Best regards, Simon
  • Fantastic Simon, thank you very much for adding them.
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