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Support for Outbrain / Zemanta

Hi, Two services you may want to add to your list. Thanks
  • Thanks for suggesting, we added Outbrain to the roadmap of services. As of Zemanta, it shouldn't be required to mention it in the policy, but we'll check it out again :)
  • Hi indeepdark Outbrain has been added as a service to the generator. Hope this helps! > choose policy/edit > "Add Service" If there are any other questions, please let me know.
  • I use a plugin by Zemanta on my site. After inspecting it it appears they may use a tracking pixel and record some user data. I've contacted Zemanta to ask what personal data is collected, but I haven't heard anything back yet.
  • Great Robert, let me know and then I'll get an integration on the way. Simon
  • Zemanta never got back to me. Seeing as their company is not very active any more, I no longer use their services.
  • Thanks for letting me know, Robert. Simon
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