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Klaviyo service

Hi Simon, Please add some more information here: links how you are using this service anything else you might be able to share In the meantime please feel free to add the integration yourself: > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service ( ) Simon

3 people like this idea
  • hi, i'm missing a service for Klaviyo
  • Please add Klaviyo to the available services Used for email marketing, segmentation & reporting

    2 people like this
  • Klaviyo is used for email marketing and now uses onsite tracking to link Facebook Ads and email opens together sending targeting emails.

  • Hi everyone!

    We're happy to inform you that Klaviyo has been added to our list of services.

    Should you have any additional suggestions, please continue to share them with us. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and grow our community.

    All the best,

    Sahar. A


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