Please add Rackspace to the list of the hosting provider
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Valerio Pappalardo
over 9 years ago
sorry for the late answer, but the cookie law didn't let us answer to everybody as we wanted.
Do you have any more information on how you are using these tools?
If you are able to write an accurate description of this service then I would suggest you add it as a custom addition to the privacy policy this way > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service
more info about custom services can be found here:
I will update this thread with more information as I have it. Hope this helps?
Faisal Misle
over 9 years ago
Yes, as a heavy Rackspace user, and as one of the big players in the industry, I'm surprised it's not on the list along with Linode, DigitalOcean, Azure, and the others.
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Arnold Smyth
over 6 years ago
Rackspace provides cloud hosting solutions for file storage and also a CDN for distributing data.
Beth Jokhio
over 5 years ago
Rackspace is a significant player in hosting. Really surprised they aren't already included.
Sahar Amini
about 1 year ago
Hi everyone, We appreciate your input and interest in the service for Rackspace and hope to bring it to you as it gains more upvotes and support from other iubenda users in the future.
Should you have any additional suggestions, please continue to share them with us. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and grow our community.
1 person likes this
Rackspace is a significant player in hosting. Really surprised they aren't already included.
Hi everyone,
We appreciate your input and interest in the service for Rackspace and hope to bring it to you as it gains more upvotes and support from other iubenda users in the future.
In the meantime, we welcome you to create a custom service for any missing services by following the steps in our help article mentioned below:
Should you have any additional suggestions, please continue to share them with us. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and grow our community.
All the best,