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LeadBolt ads and AppFireworks analytics in privacy policy services

Hi Andrey, You're right. They're not in our clause-list as of yet. I'm adding LeadBolt & AppFireworks to our internal queue for consideration and implementation if we move forward. I will let you know when/if it's available for use. In the meantime I suggest you create a custom service > choose policy/edit > "Add Service" > "Add custom service". Tell people about you using the service, where it's based and what it does. Link to their privacy policy so your users can check it out. Best regards, Simon :)
  • Hello Simon, Thank you for your answer. Can you give an approximate day, when LeadBolt & AppFireworks services will be ready? Best regards.
  • Andrey, I don't dare giving you an approximation at the time being, it depends on various factors. I know this is unsatisfying, but we need to make sure things are well done. Best regards, Simon
  • Ok, i understand.
  • Andrey, Leadbolt has been added to the list and can now be accessed from the generator. Let me know if this helps, Simon :)
  • Andrey, AppFireworks has been released online as well. Best regards, Simon
  • Hello, We need the following services to be added to our mobile app privacy policy: LeadBolt advertising SDK and AppFireworks analytics. We didn't found them in your list. Can you add them?
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