Potreste includere AdvPlace Affiliazione e The Newsletter Plugin?
Salve Marco, i nostri operatori italiani non ci sono per ora, quindi ti rispondo in Inglese. Fammi sapere se non va bene per te.
The thing with The Newsletter Plugin is, I think, that all of this runs via your own WordPress backend. Therefore you don't share email addresses or any other personal data with an external company. I've tried to find a privacy policy for this, but I couldn't find that either. Can you confirm this behaviour?
In that case it would actually mean that you only need to add "newsletter" and not another newsletter provider.
We may add AdvPlace at some point, but right now your best option is to manually add this into your privacy policy like this:
http://iubenda.com/dashboard > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service
( https://www.iubenda.com/en/help/posts/386 )
Hope this helps?
Thanks and best regards