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Add OVH Hosting

Add privacy policy service option for OVH hosting. In particular: (not the Ireland site) with the place of policy being Canada.
  • Hi James, please excuse the late reaction. We've finally moved everything to this new support forum and are starting to engage with some of the requests that have slipped through in the meantime. We don't add normal hosting services to the policy generator, if you look into all kinds of privacy policies, the hoster is almost never mentioned or too relevant. It's different with cloud solutions, often we decide to implement them. OVH has a wide range of products and it's possible you are referring to the CLOUD solution? In any case I would suggest a quick cutsom integration with our custom service feature as follows: > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service more info about custom services can be found here: Hope this helps? Simon
  • Salve, avrei le seguenti richieste di nuovi servizi: La voce hosting e infrastrutture backend si riferisce anche ad housing ? Il sito del mio cliente gira su un server dedicato OVH potreste cortesemente aggiungere il servizio per OVH
  • Salve, sarebbe utile inserire anche come servizio di hosting per la generazione di una privacy policy ad hoc. Grazie
  • Ho visto in un altro thread che รจ stato attivata la clausola per i servizi Cloud di OVH. A quando la copertura dei restanti servizi offerti da OVH?
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