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Adding to the OAuth and as an output destination for content would be very helpful!

Hi Paul, thanks for your suggestion, our team will consider if adding the requested service in our generator. Do you have any further information on how you are using these tools? If you are able to write an accurate description of this service, then I would suggest you add it as a custom addition to the privacy policy using a custom service: 1. Visit your dashboard: 2. Click on your privacy policy (or add a new policy) 3. Click on Add service 4. Click on Create custom service More information about custom services can be found here: I will update this thread with more information as I have it. Hope this helps! Best, Jacopo
  • As a video service, we are integrating both membership connectivity with and adding them as a content output destination. Being able to have Twitch as service selection would be very helpful.
  • There are some news about these request?
  • Buon giorno, nella realizzazione di un nostro progetti digitale, stiamo utilizzando la connettività delle API di sia per effettuare il "Social login" sia per prendere contenuti creati nella piattaforma dall'utente. Sarebbe molto d'aiuto se questa piattaforma fosse inserita fra quelle che gestite per la creazione della policy. Saluti
  • Hi Pier Nicolò, We are not planning on adding this service at the moment. Best, Sean iubenda
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