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Hello! I see Crashlytics as a privacy policy option, but (which is what Twitter subsumed it into) is not there. Furthermore, Crashlytics is only there as "infrastructure monitoring", not as an analytics option. Thanks!
  • Hi there Mike, Sorry for the wait, we were in the process of setting up this new Uservoice forum properly the last couple of weeks. We're familiar with Fabric, we had at some point added Digit. Crashlytics may have added the analytics features after we reviewed it the last time. I confirm that I'll take a look at this. I'll let you know as soon as it's done. In the meantime you might want to add it as a custom service: > edit/add privacy policy > add service > create custom service Find more info about how to do that here Hope this helps? Simon
  • Answers ( is a mobile analytics tool by Twitter Fabric. It is used by a lot of major companies like Tinder, Spotify, eBay, Viber and even more. I would love to see Answers in iubenda.
  • Hi, thanks for your suggestion, our team will consider if adding the requested service in our generator. Do you have any further information on how you are using these tools? If you are able to write an accurate description of this service, then I would suggest you add it as a custom addition to the privacy policy using a custom service: Visit your dashboard: Click on your privacy policy (or add a new policy) Click on Add service Click on Create custom service More information about custom services can be found here: I will update this thread with more information as I have it. Hope this helps! Best, Jacopo
  • Yes i agree. We're also planning to integrate Fabric into our iOS app and it's becoming a more and more popular analytics service... please add!
  • Answers provides analytics of how an app is used in a similar way to Google Analytics
  • Please add
  • The only reason I joined iubenda is to create a crashlytics and answers privacy policy. Without it, there is no point for me. Here's their own privacy policy, which you could use to add the service:
  • I'm closing this given the integrations have mostly been made a while ago and the requests are too broad.
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