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Social buttons cookies info doens't appears when i click the cookie policy link on the Top cookie banner

Hi Marco, just to be complete I'm also answering this question. We're still putting stuff together, so I hope you will be patient with us. It should all come together in the end. And if it doesn't we're happy to fix things. SImon
  • Sure, i'll be patient :) i just reported this problem so you can fix it if you was not aware of it. Thank you!
  • I'm trying the cookie solution on one of my websites: . If i click the cookie privacy link on the top banner, the privacy text doesn't show the social buttons cookies infos (facebook, twitter, etc...), neither if i click the extended privacy link. Instead, if i click the Privacy Policy link that i've placed on a widget inside wordpress (on the right side of the website), that privacy text shows the info about the social buttons correctly, also when i click on the extended privacy link from that privacy page. Why there are these differences between the link into the banner that appears automatically, and the link to the privacy policy i've placed in the widget on the right side of the website ?
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