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New language request: Polish

Adding new languages is one of iubenda’s main concerns. We decide to add a new language depending on the amount of requests we receive. If you are interested in Polish, you can contribute to this topic – e.g. upvoting this request so that it can acquire higher priority. I'm going to update this thread as soon as I have more information regarding this feature. Best, Jacopo iubenda

24 people have this question
  • Hi, we are Polish startup and we like your solution that allows us to focus on our core. 

    We wonder how it is possible to have Polish version of all legal content and how we can help you to do that (so that we can use it for our eCommerce project then).

    7 people like this
  • I would like to have Polish language added for the cookie management tool ! Thanks!

    6 people like this
  • I need Polish version of the Cookie Solution too.

    5 people like this
  •  Hi,

    I bump this request too. I will need Polish language as well

    5 people like this
  • I am just bumping up to bring it up to the top since I need it also


    5 people like this
  • I would like to have Polish version, too.

    5 people like this
  • Is it possible to have a Hindi version too?

    4 people like this
  • Polish UP

    3 people like this
  • +

    4 people like this
  • Please add Polish.

    4 people like this
  • Is there any chance to add Polish language? Many requests, no timeline.

    3 people like this
  • Is there any opportunity to add Polish language? Many solicitations, no timetable.

    2 people like this
  • please add polish version

    2 people like this
  • Ineed. this is wanted here in Poland. Please add Polish.

    3 people like this