Add language support: Swedish
Hi Adam,
thank you for submitting your request. Adding new languages is one of our main concerns. However I can't guarantee that your request will be processed quickly. We decide to add a new language depending on the amount of requests we receive.
If you know other people who are interested in Swedish, you can tell them to contribute to this topic – e.g. upvoting this request so that it can acquire higher priority. I'm going to update this thread as soon as I have more information and keep you up-to-date.
If you can't wait, I can suggest you another option, i.e. we provide a customized translation service for languages not available in our generator. If you want more information about it (or to request a quote), drop us a line at [email protected].
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2 people like this
We are also interested in the Swedish language
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Also in need of Swedish language, can help with translation if needed!
1 person likes this
We are also interested in the Swedish language
1 person likes this
Agreed. Swedish needed. :D
1 person likes this
Please add Swedish.
1 person likes this
Please add Swedish! Is fundamental for using your tool, otherwise is not possible to user you solution
Please add swedish
Hi, It would be great with support of Swedish Terms and Conditions!
Hello users,
Thanks for your feedback!
I would like to inform you all that we are about to release the addition of the Swedish language in our iubenda generator along with the 9 languages currently available (US English, UK English, German, Italian, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and Russian)!
Thanks for the requests in our support forum!