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Add language support: Swedish

Hi Adam, thank you for submitting your request. Adding new languages is one of our main concerns. However I can't guarantee that your request will be processed quickly. We decide to add a new language depending on the amount of requests we receive. If you know other people who are interested in Swedish, you can tell them to contribute to this topic – e.g. upvoting this request so that it can acquire higher priority. I'm going to update this thread as soon as I have more information and keep you up-to-date. If you can't wait, I can suggest you another option, i.e. we provide a customized translation service for languages not available in our generator. If you want more information about it (or to request a quote), drop us a line at [email protected]. Best, Jacopo iubenda

19 people like this idea
  • Please add Swedish support! It's urgently needed

    1 person likes this
  • Please add Swedish language. Needed for GDPR and PECR. Many thanks.

    2 people like this
  • We are also interested in the Swedish language

    1 person likes this
  • Also in need of Swedish language, can help with translation if needed! 

    1 person likes this
  • We are also interested in the Swedish language

    1 person likes this
  • Agreed. Swedish needed. :D

    1 person likes this
  •  Please add Swedish.

    1 person likes this
  • Please add Swedish! Is fundamental for using your tool, otherwise is not possible to user you solution

  • Please add swedish

  • 1+ for Swedish. As I could have found there are 3 different topics for Swedish. So votes are divided. It can be really good to meet at this page for Swedish language.                        


  • Hi, It would be great with support of Swedish Terms and Conditions!

  • Hello users,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    I would like to inform you all that we are about to release the addition of the Swedish language in our iubenda generator along with the 9 languages currently available (US English, UK English, German, Italian, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and Russian)!

    Thanks for the requests in our support forum!



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