The possibility to bulk edit my privacy policies, so that if I'm adding some feature to my websites I have to edit one for all.
This have to include: bulk add services, and bulk delete service
3 people like this idea
Babes Patel
over 2 years ago
How can I enable this bulk editing in my Custom image & Video Editing website?
I have loot of stuff which I want to edit At a time.
Babes Patel
over 2 years ago
waiting to your responce. please tell me both for mobile and PC editing ASP.
How can I enable this bulk editing in my Custom image & Video Editing website?
I have loot of stuff which I want to edit At a time.
waiting to your responce. please tell me both for mobile and PC editing ASP.
I have lot of pending work due to this confusion.
Thanks In advance.
For the bulk edit implementation
1. In the dashboard add a filter by product (Privacy and Cookie Policy, Terms and Conditions, Consent Solution), and selected services for the product
2. Add bulk editing mode, with ability to add, edit, delete services for selected websites/apps