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Add language support: Turkish

Hi! It would be great if you could add Turkish as a supported language.

3 people have this question
  • hi is it planned to add the Turkish language?

    1 person likes this
  • Hello all, 

    Thank you for your message. Adding new languages is one of iubenda’s main concerns. We decide to add a new language depending on the amount of requests we receive. 

    If you are interested in Turkish, you can contribute to this topic by upvoting this request so that it can acquire higher priority. I will of course update this thread with any further developments. 

    Kind regards, 



  • Hi Beatrice,

    recently, I became self-employed, so I have full control about my solutions. I'm looking for a law-related partner and it seems iubenda is the right fit to the needs for my projects. One of my business partners in particular likes to sell solutions to Turkish people in Germany, whose customers are either German, English or Turkish speaking people. Solutions need to provide law related texts in all three languages. 

    I would love to see Turkish as a supported language on iubenda. Hopefully, you will consider it soon.

    Thank you!

  • Hello Martin, 

    Thank you for your input, it is noted! While for now we do offer our solutions in German and in English, we are always working on adding more languages.

    Kind regards, 


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