zoom collection of user data and images for videochat 1to1 and 1 to many
Hi everyone,
I would like to know if there is the possibility to integrate a policy regarding the construction of a service that allows users to perform 1 to 1 and 1 to many videochats (especially in webinars).
By participating in webinars and videochats users will accept that their data will be processed and used by Zoom and/or other videochat services.
One important thing is that for webinars and videochats there will be some dedicated to the recording of their screens and the videos will then be reloaded on youtube.
Thanks to all
First, I am happy to inform you that you do have the possibility to build a Privacy Policy for this kind of service using our tool.
The Privacy Policy would of course inform your users about third party services, such as Youtube or Zoom. You can ensure this either by simply adding descriptions that we have prepared for individual services (e.g. Youtube Oath) or by building a custom clause.
Feel free to ask us any further questions you may have,
Kind regards,
hiy my name is abdirahman
i life in italy
can you suport me plz