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⚡ WE NEED Jira, Slack and Microsoft Clarity (CHURN REASON!) ⚡

Please do provide these tools asap in the privacy policy - we really do need them. This is actually a churn reason for our SaaS company. 

6 people like this idea
  • Hello, 

    Thank you for your suggestions, indeed these are all popular services which we will happily look into. 

    In the meantime, you always have the possibility to add a custom clause by taking the following steps: 

    - visit your dashboard (,

    - visit your privacy policy, 

    - "Add service" and "Create custom service".

    For more information, we also have a help post:

    I will update this thread with further developments.

    Kind regards, 



  • +1 for jira and slack. Isn't everyone using slack?

    2 people like this
  • clarity is becoming a popular services

  • Hi everyone, we too urgently need a clause regarding Slack. Thank you! 

  • Please add Jira Service Management to the Privacy Policy services.

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