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Add new language: Romanian

Please consider to add Romanian language as well.

  • Hi!

    Adding new languages is one of iubenda’s main concerns. We decide to add a new language depending on the amount of requests we receive. If you are interested in Romanian, you can contribute to this topic by upvoting this request so that it can acquire higher priority. I'm going to update this thread as soon as I have more information regarding this feature.

    Kind Regards,



  • Hey @Angel Maldonado

    1 more vote for Romanian. I hope there will be more support. Thanks in advance. 

  • I'll make sure to upvote the request for Romanian language support. Thanks for keeping us informed, Angel!

  • I'll make sure to upvote the request for Romanian language support....?

  • I am interested in romanina language and request for vote and support please

  • Adding Romanian language and document support is a necessity! I've been waiting for this for a long time!

    Please add it ASAP!

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