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Consent DB usage with embedded option

Is there a way to get legal document content and version from Consent DB using HTTP API if legal document has been created through iubenda UI and embedded to the site with the embedded option?

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  • Yes, it is possible to get the legal document content and version from Consent DB using the iubenda HTTP API, even if the legal document was created through the iubenda UI and embedded into a website using the embedded option.

    To do this, you would need to use the iubenda API's "get consent solution" endpoint, which allows you to retrieve the current version of the legal document and its content for a specific consent solution ID.

    The consent solution ID can be obtained by making a separate API call to the "list consent solutions" endpoint, which returns a list of all the consent solutions associated with your account.

    Once you have the consent solution ID, you can make a request to the "get consent solution" endpoint, passing in the ID as a parameter. The response will include the current version of the legal document and its content, as well as other information about the consent solution.

    Here is an example of the request you could make to retrieve the legal document content and version:


    Copy code


    Where :id is the ID of the consent solution you want to retrieve.

    Note that to use the iubenda API, you will need to have an iubenda account and an API key. You can find more information about the iubenda API and how to use it in the iubenda developer documentation.











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