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Assigning tags to projects

The more the number of projects/customers increases, the more this function becomes necessary: I would like to be able to assign one or more tags to each project (e.g.: customer X, CMS WP, ...) and have, among the filters, the search by tag .


In this way, during a phone call with a customer or in case of need for massive updates, I can quickly retrieve the various projects with a given tag.

  •  Hey @Raffael!

    1. Assigning Tags to Projects: iubenda doesn't directly offer project management features with tagging as of my last update. However, you can typically manage this through other project management tools that integrate with iubenda or by using a CRM system alongside iubenda for your customer management needs.

    2. Filtering and Searching by Tags: While iubenda focuses primarily on legal compliance and privacy solutions, integrating with project management tools or CRMs that support tagging can complement your workflow. Tools like Trello, Asana, or even spreadsheet applications (with structured data) can allow you to assign tags and filter/search projects accordingly.

    3. Integration Considerations: If you're using iubenda for managing legal compliance aspects, ensuring any project management tool you use integrates smoothly or allows for easy export/import of data is key. This ensures that tags assigned to projects can be effectively utilized across different platforms.

    4. Efficiency in Customer Interactions: Having quick access to projects tagged by customer or project type (e.g., CMS used) can significantly enhance efficiency during customer interactions or when updates are needed. This capability streamlines your ability to provide timely information and updates to clients.

    To implement this effectively:

    • Explore project management tools that offer robust tagging functionalities.
    • Ensure these tools integrate or can work alongside iubenda's solutions.
    • Regularly update and maintain tags to keep project information organized and accessible.

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