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I'm looking to optimize my WordPress site. Any recommendations?

I'm looking to optimize my WordPress site for search engines and I'm torn between Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, and Rank Math. Which one do you recommend and why? What are the pros and cons of each in 2024?

  • I recommend Rank Math as the best of the three options, especially for new users. Not only is it very popular and used by popular sites, but it's also used by many professionals and agencies alike. Additionally, the user interface is exceptionally user-friendly, which is great for people who aren't as tech-savvy. It includes many helpful features, such as keyword tracking and ranking. Furthermore, Rank Math's developers are constantly updating it with new technology, which makes it a great choice for future-proofing your website.

    However, the free version of Rank Math is a little more limited than the paid version, and not everyone is willing to pay for the premium features.

  • Rank math is best to optimize Worpress website. You can use different amazing features in free by using this plugin. However, you can also use WP rocket to optimize your website speed. Must try these plugins. 

    Note: Rankmath is free while WP rocket is paid

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